Rules and Regulations – 999 Oakmont Plaza

These Rules and Regulations are made a part of that certain leases of Tenants at 999 Oakmont Plaza in the building located at 999 Oakmont Plaza Dr, Westmont, IL 60559, and shall apply to the Premises, the Building and the Property and the appurtenances thereto:

  • Sidewalks, doorways, vestibules, halls, stairways, and other portions of the Common Areas shall not be obstructed by Tenant or used by Tenant for purposes other than ingress and egress to and from their respective leased Premises and for going from one to another part of the Property.  The halls, passages, exits, entrances, elevators, escalators, and stairways are not for the general public, and Landlord will in all cases retain the right to control and prevent access to such halls, passages, exits, entrances, elevators, and stairways of all persons whose presence in the judgment of Landlord would be prejudicial to the safety, character, reputation, and interest of the building and its Tenants, provided that nothing contained in these rules and regulations will be construed to prevent such access to persons with whom any Tenant normally deals in the ordinary course of its business, unless such persons are engaged in illegal activities or are in violation of these rules and regulations.

  • No Tenant and no employee or invitee of any Tenant will go upon the roof of the building except such roof or as may be contiguous to the Premises of a particular Tenant and may be designated in writing by Landlord as a roof deck or roof garden area.  No Tenant will be permitted to place or install any object (including without limitation, radio and television antennas, loudspeakers, sound amplifiers, microwave dishes, solar devises, or similar devices) on the exterior of the building or on the roof of the building.

  • Plumbing, fixtures and appliances shall be used only for the purposes for which designed, and no sweepings, rubbish, rags or other unsuitable material shall be thrown or deposited therein. Damage resulting to any such fixtures or appliances, or the cost of clearing any plumbing drain lines, due to misuse by a Tenant or its agents, employees or invitees, shall be paid by such Tenant.

  • No sign, placard, picture, name, advertisement, or written notice visible from the exterior of Tenant’s Premises will be inscribed, painted, affixed, or otherwise displayed by Tenant on any part of the Building or the Premises without the prior written consent of Landlord, which may be withheld in Landlord’s sole and absolute discretion.  Landlord will adopt and furnish to Tenant general guidelines relating to signs inside the Building.  Tenant agrees to conform to such guidelines.  All approved signs or lettering on doors will be printed painted, affixed, or inscribed at the expense of the Tenant by a person approved by Landlord.  Other than draperies expressly permitted by Landlord and Building standard window treatments, material visible from the outside the Building will not be permitted.  In the event of the violation of this rule by Tenant, Landlord may remove the violating items without any liability and may charge the expense incurred by such removal to the Tenant or Tenants violating this rule.

  • Landlord shall provide and maintain a directory for all Tenants in the main lobby of the Building. Landlord shall provide and install all letters and numerals at the door of the Tenant’s premises. All such letters and numerals shall be in building standard graphics and no other graphics shall be used or permitted in connection with the Tenant’s premises unless approved in writing by Landlord.

  • Landlord shall provide all door locks in Tenant’s leased Premises and no Tenant shall place any additional door locks or replace or rekey any locks in its leased Premises without Landlord’s prior written consent. Landlord shall furnish to each Tenant a reasonable number of keys to such leased premises. Landlord will have the right to collect a reasonable fee for additional keys and cards requested by Tenant. Landlord, its agents, or employees will retain a master key to all door locks in the Building.  Any new door locks required by Tenant or any change of keying of existing locks will be installed or changed by Landlord following Tenant’s written request to Landlord and will be at Tenant’s expense.  All new locks and re-keyed locks will remain operable by Landlord’s master key.

  • Movement in or out of the Building of furniture or office equipment, or dispatch or receipt by Tenant of any bulky material, merchandise or materials which require use of elevators or stairways, or movement through the Building entrances or lobby shall be conducted under Landlord’s supervision at such times and in such manner as Landlord may reasonably require including weekends and after hours. Each Tenant assumes all risks of and shall be liable for all damage to articles moved and injury to persons or public engaged or not engaged in such movement, including equipment, property and personnel of Landlord if damaged or injured as a result of acts in connection with carrying out this service for such Tenant.  Landlord’s supervision will be at Tenant’s expense.

  • Landlord may prescribe weight limitations and determine the locations for safes and other heavy equipment or items, which shall in all cases be placed in the Building so as to distribute weight in a manner acceptable to Landlord which may include the use of such supporting devices as Landlord may require. All damage to the Building caused by the installation or removal of any property of a Tenant, or done by a Tenant’s property while in the Building, shall be repaired at the expense of such Tenant.

  • Exterior and corridor doors, when not in use, shall be kept closed and may not be propped open. Nothing shall be swept or thrown into the corridors, halls, elevator shafts or stairways.

  • No birds or animals shall be brought into or kept in, on or about any part of the Property, with the exception of service dogs, as required by law.

  • No portions of any Tenant’s leased Premises nor any part of the Building shall at any time be used or occupied as sleeping or lodging quarters.

  • To ensure orderly operation of the Building, no ice, mineral or other water, towels, newspapers, etc. shall be delivered to any leased area except by persons approved by Landlord.

  • Tenant shall not make or permit its officers, employees, agents, invitees and visitors to make any improper, objectionable or unpleasant noises or odors in the Building or otherwise create any nuisance, annoy, disturb or interfere in any way with Co-Tenants or persons having business with them.

  • Smoking on the Property, in the Building or leased Premises is strictly prohibited.  The Landlord may, in its sole discretion, designate specific areas of the Property where smoking will be permitted (“Designated Smoking Areas”), which areas may be relocated from time to time by Landlord.  Tenant will not permit any if its employees, agents, invitees and visitors to smoke on the Property, in the Building or leased Premises, with the exception of Designated Smoking Areas, if any.

  • No machinery of any kind (other than normal office equipment) shall be operated by any Tenant on its leased area without Landlord’s prior written consent, nor shall any Tenant use or keep in the Building any flammable or explosive fluid or substance.

  • Landlord will not be responsible for lost or stolen personal property, money or jewelry from Tenant’s leased premises or public or common areas (including, without limitation, any parking lot area) regardless of whether such loss occurs when the area is locked against entry or not.

  • No vending or dispensing machines of any kind may be maintained in any leased premises without the prior written permission of Landlord, nor shall Tenant operate a kitchen, cafeteria or other eating establishment, nor perform any cooking or food preparations on the leased premises, provided that Tenant may operate a coffee bar on the leased premises which may include a microwave oven.

  • Landlord will have the right, exercisable upon written Notice and without liability to any Tenant, to change the name and street address of the building.

  • Tenant will not conduct itself in any manner that is inconsistent with the character of the building as a first quality building or that will impair the comfort and convenience of Co-Tenants in the building.

  • In these Rules and Regulations, Tenant includes the employees, agents, invitees, and licensees of Tenant and others permitted by Tenant to use or occupy the Premises.

  • Landlord may waive any one or more of these rules and regulations for the benefit of any particular Tenant or Tenants, but no such waiver by Landlord will be construed as a waiver of such rules and regulations in favor of Tenant or Tenants, nor prevent Landlord from enforcing any such rules and regulations against any or all of the Tenants of the building after such waiver.

Landlord may amend, modify, or reduce this rules at any time to address the needs of the Property, the Tenant and all Co-Tenants in Landlord’s sole and absolute discretion.  These rules and regulations are in addition to, and will not be construed to modify, amend, in whole or in part, the terms, covenants, agreements, and conditions of the lease.